Мультимедійні матеріали


2 Central Principles of Physiology – Course Overview.mp4
3 Membrane Physiology Pores, Channels, Carriers Lecturio.mp4
1 Course Overview Physiology.mp4
Physiology of excitative tissues lecture france.pptx
Ecxitability tissues.pdf
Excitation and inhibition in CNS.pptx

Regulation of blood pressure

Regulation of Mean Arterial Pressure.mp4
Baroreflex Regulation of Blood Pressure Animation_480p.mp4
Neural and humoral regulation of vascular tone.mp4
Mechanisms of Venous Return.mp4

Blood functions

Chemical Buffers - protein buffer, phosphate buffer system and bicarbonate buffer system.mp4
The Composition and Function of Blood.mp4
The Blood Buffer System.mp4
intestinal digestion.ppt